Friday 16 July 2010

Evolution theory.

So here we are, another fairly (in)glorius day of unemployment, graduate and all. Frankly, in this day and age that doesn't seem so special, perhaps I'm being melodramatic, but too much coffee, failure, and not enough sleep will do that to a man I suppose.

So far the days are recklessly colliding into each other- each one becomes a medley of job hunting, killing time and comfort eating/ drinking coffee. In our generation, studies have shown that lack of motivation and lack of structure are the biggest killers: Fuck Survival of the Fittest, we live in the age where Survival of the Least Lazy is the only credible ethos. I just spent three years of my life, and twenty thousand pounds, being twisted and pounded into a shape, only to find out that it was the wrong one- nobody wants to bash a (graduate) circle into their square little world. Fuck.

As for a career, what is there out there? What else are those bastards hiding from me? Probably not a lot; even the jobs at the Job Center are out of date when I try calling to apply. Maybe that's it? Maybe they're hiding the fact that there is nothing out there for us anymore...
The most obvious route is to go into Teaching, but MY GOD, teach what? All I've been trained to do is spot pretention at 200 yards, to go right for pedantic bastards, and the flaws in their logic (as opposed to the jugular- it's just as effective, and you get into less trouble with the police you see). The problem lies in the fact that in a world where people sell each other little pieces of the Great Televised Dream nobody wants you to snap them out of their vegetative devotions; nobody wants you to point out the small print that will wake them up- especially not the hucksters shilling it.

Here in the UK we don't have access to the American Dream, so we just make do with the Great British Lie.

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